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Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2007
Memorial Town Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:                Martha Waite, Mark Johnson

MEMBERS ABSENT:                 Mary Ricker

OTHERS PRESENT:                  Randy Mizereck, Consultant,
                                                   Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

The Board of Health Meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM


786 Princeton Street:  The defective sand has been removed, and the bottom scarified.  The Board still needs the sand certification.

450 Sterling Road:  Needs a Title 5 inspection every year for 5 years.  The old sand is still in place and appears to be functioning.

20 North Street:  The installer will be Cove Construction, with Chris Kaunth as the engineer on the project.  There is some concern regarding water run-off near the system.  J. Morin sent in the letters for 786 Princeton St. and 450 Sterling Rd., but has not sent in the Title 5 inspection for 20 North St. yet.


914 Salisbury Street:  James Morin for Marie Damon, repair using a Cul-Tec system in front of the house.  J. Morin is using C33 sand on all septic systems, even though the Board is not requiring it.  He has been pumping the existing system.  No public sewer is available for this property.

Crush and fill the leach pit
Properly survey property with pin in place
M. Waite motioned to approve with conditions 1 & 2.  M. Johnson seconded.  All in favor, approved.

54 Harris St:  James Morin for John Foley, repair of a failed system, using a Cul-Tec system.  Will be doing 2 deep holes and 1 perc test.  J. Morin will use C33 sand, even though the Board does not require it.

Needs Local Upgrade Approval (to come)
Needs two deep holes and one perc test.  Must show perc results on the plans.
M. Johnson motioned to approve with conditions 1 & 2.  M. Waite seconded.  All in favor, approved.


Mixter Road:  Jeffrey Larson, applicant, is requesting a perc test out of season for new construction on a 16 acre parcel.  This was taken under advisement at the July 23, 2007 meeting.  The Board agreed that this is site specific with extenuating circumstances.  M. Johnson motioned to approve the perc test out of season.  M. Waite seconded.  All in favor, approved.  The applicant will submit a perc test application and fee.

Chapin Road:  Ted Beckner from L.A.M. Builders has requested a one (1) year extension of previously approved septic plans for:
Lot 5:  approved 10-4-04, expires 10-4-07
Lot 6:  approved 10-4-04, expires 10-4-07
Lot 7:  approved 8-23-04, expires 8-23-07

Con Com restrictions have been cleared and a copy of the original order will be submitted the Board of Health.  R. Mizereck recommended two (2) additional deep holes.  M. Waite motioned to approve a one (1) year only extension for lots 5, 6, and 7, not be to extended again, and original conditions apply.  M. Johnson seconded.  All in favor, approved.

20 North Street:  Rod Beittel addressed the Board asking for clarification of the sand certification.  Sand certifications are on file for each sand pit.

Next Meeting:  September 17, 2007 at 5:00 PM

M. Waite motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting.  M. Johnson seconded.  All in favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 5:50 PM.

August 20, 2007 meeting minutes approved:       October 22, 2007        

Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary